Digital Nomad Episodes

March 9, 2021

What I Dislike About Living Abroad (After 20 Years in 60 Countries)

In this podcast, I talk about what I hate (more like strongly dislike) about living abroad while sharing stories and examples of how moving to a foreign country has challenged me, caused me to miss out on important events back home, and has made me...
March 2, 2021

What I Love About Living Abroad

Living abroad takes the many benefits of travel to a whole new level. But there’s much so more to the expat lifestyle than posting a sweet Instagram photo.   Living abroad is one of the best life experiences you can have. In this two-part episode, I list the Top Ten Things I Love About Living Abroa…
Feb. 23, 2021

How To Make $10K/Mo as a Digital Nomad Copywriter in Budapest

After struggling with addiction in college, Francis Nayan decided to take a job teaching English in Europe. That's when he stumbled upon a meet-up group for digital nomads in Budapest, and everything changed...
Guest: Francis Nayan
Feb. 16, 2021

How To Create and Monetize a Personal Brand in the Age of Remote Work

Societal change is upon us. How can you combine your skills and personality to make money online in the new economy? Get ideas and inspiration in this episode of Badass Digital Nomads, especially for aspiring writers and content creators.
Feb. 9, 2021

How To Make Money From a Sailboat With No Experience

Wondering how to make money from a sailboat - even if you've never done it before? This podcast will explain how it's possible. Learn how sailing digital nomad, Erin Carey, quit her government job of 17 years to start her first online business – a Public Relations agency for digital nomads, world t…
Guest: Erin Carey
Jan. 19, 2021

How To Overcome Loneliness While Traveling

Loneliness is something I’m asked about frequently. It's intimidating to set off on an adventure without knowing how long you’re going to be traveling for or when you'll be "home." And, nearly one year into life under the pandemic, now is the perfect time to address this topic.
Jan. 12, 2021

Sailing the World With Sailing Ruby Rose

After leaving their careers as a dentist and a paramedic in London behind, Nick Fabbri and Terysa Vanderloo of Sailing Ruby Rose set off to sail the world and never looked back. In this podcast, they share the details of their original escape plan and what they've learned from three years at sea.
Jan. 5, 2021

Become a Digital Nomad in 2021 (A Pep Talk)

2021 will be the year of the digital nomad. Don't let another year of your life go by without pursuing your dreams of location independence or full-time travel. - Here's why.  Learn the five most important things you need to become a digital...
Dec. 29, 2020

How to Become a Minimalist Digital Nomad

The mainstream perceives a minimalist lifestyle as "extreme" - but is it? Today's podcast explores how the conscious choice to own as little as possible can be the ultimate path to freedom. Learn how to overcome the three main blocks to becoming a minimalist digital nomad and five tips for more f…
Dec. 15, 2020

5 Reasons Why 2021 Is the Best Time to Become a Digital Nomad

2021 will be the best time in history to become a digital nomad! Here are five reasons why.  Want to become a digital nomad in the upcoming year? Apply for a free strategy call with Kristin to discuss your plans at:
Nov. 24, 2020

One of the First Digital Nomads From Africa: Agnes Nyamwange

Agnes Nyamwange is one of the first digital nomads from Kenya, Africa. Learn how she accomplished this feat and how you can become a digital nomad, too - even if you're from a developing country. She also shares how she makes money online and how to travel on a budget.
Oct. 20, 2020

DIGITAL NOMAD VISAS: Do You Really Need One?

Digital nomad visas have become quite the trend in 2020 as countries look for ways to bolster their economies with remote worker tourists. But are digital nomad visas just hype? How valuable are they? Do the benefits of digital nomad visas outweigh...
Oct. 13, 2020

8 Essential Skills You Need to Become a Digital Nomad

What types of personal and professional knowledge are important in becoming a digital nomad? What types of skills should you focus on now to achieve success in your personal and professional remote life in the future? And finally, what is the one...
Oct. 6, 2020

How to Live Your Best Life at Any Age with Entrepreneurial Ski Bum, Steve Rout

Steve Rout is a British journalist, ski bum, tour guide, online marketer, and world traveler. Steve’s long-term travel adventure began in 1982 when he put his successful journalism career on hold to travel the world. After years of traveling to different continents to ski, rock climb, and paraglide…
Guest: Steve Rout
Sept. 29, 2020

Retire Early Aftercast - Biggest Takeaways for Retiring on FIRE

This short "solocast" is to help you absorb and apply the biggest, most important takeaways from the last two podcasts (Episodes 72-73), which were both about how to retire early with passive income and the FIRE method.