Ant Knowles is only 22 years old and he’s already been traveling around the world full-time filming for YouTube Channel, Passport Heavy. Ant is self-taught and is an inspiring example of how you can create the life you want, even coming from...
Ant Knowles is only 22 years old and he’s already been traveling around the world full-time filming for YouTube Channel, Passport Heavy. Ant is self-taught and is an inspiring example of how you can create the life you want, even coming from hardships and a dark past. Today, he lives between London and Chiang Mai, Thailand, but it wasn’t always that way. Anthony’s story is incredible - he has experienced burnout, struggled with maintaining good mental health, was held at gunpoint in South Africa, and his twin brother tragically passed away at a young age.
This episode is for you if you are interested in learning how to become a travel filmmaker, teach yourself new skills, stay motivated when things get tough, or just hear some cool stories and what it’s like to live in Chiang Mai, Thailand and travel around the world with successful digital nomads. 😍
* YouTube: Anthony Knowles
* YouTube: Passport Heavy
* Instagram: @ant_creative
Watch the video version of this interview on YouTube.
Are you ready for the Remote Work Revolution? Over half the population will soon have the ability to work from home. Let long-time digital nomad, Kristin Wilson, and her guests from diverse industries and backgrounds guide you on how to transition successfully from 9-5 to location-independent.
If you’ve ever been curious about how to work online and travel, or just have more freedom, flexibility, and time in your daily life, this podcast is for you. Whatever your career path, everyone needs to know how to compete and succeed in the workplace of the future.
Employees, freelancers, entrepreneurs, founders, and executives alike will find value in stories and topics discussed on Badass Digital Nomads.
About Kristin:
Kristin Wilson is an online entrepreneur, writer, speaker, and content creator who has lived and worked in 60+ countries. She coaches people who want to work online and travel through her courses, workshops, and two YouTube channels. She also consults companies in adopting remote work policies.
Kristin is a Top Writer on Quora and Medium who has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, ESPN, The New York Times, Huffpost, HGTV’s House Hunters International, and more.
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Kristin: 00:00:11 Hey guys. Welcome back to another episode of Digital Nomad TV on my series, badass Digital Nomads, where I take you all around the world to hear stories of real people and how they transitioned from a traditional, conventional life to one of location independence and freedom and jobs that they created all over the world. Today I'm here in London with Anthony Knowles.
Anthony: 00:00:34 Yup
Kristin: 00:00:35 And I actually found Anthony on Instagram. I was attracted to some of his super cool edits that he posted, who knows how I found them in the Instagram rabbit hole. But I was really impressed with not just the quality of his videography and editing, but in his posts, his very personal and positive and vulnerable Instagram posts. So I've been following him for a few months now and I wanted to link up and talk with him about how he started, how much has changed for him in the past couple of years, and how fast your life can change in just a matter of a few months going from the status quo to digital nomad. So welcome to the show, Anthony.
Anthony: 00:01:17 Well, thank you very much for having me. Really, I think filmmaking for me started when I was about the age of 13 and uh, I started getting into what's called parkour and free running. And, uh, what that involves is kind of, you know, doing flips, jumping around, that kind of thing. And, you know, naturally I had some friends, uh, through that. And, uh, we came down here to, uh, where we are now in London, Waterloo, and this was our main, uh, spot where we used to come down on the weekends, um, train hang out, and, uh, this is where I first picked up a camera and started making videos, which is where it first sort of happened.
Kristin: 00:01:53 Yeah. So I think that's really cool because I grew up in the surf industry and all my friends were surfers and skaters, so I can totally relate to that time when everyone was shooting like, yeah, parkour, skating and all kinds of just like urban videos on the old school cameras. Um, what, I guess, what inspired you to pick up a camera in the first place? Like how did you come up with that idea? Because a lot of people think that certain skills are out of their reach or that they're not creative or they don't know where to start. So like, how did you end up picking up a camera in the first place?
Anthony: 00:02:33 I could probably trace the first bit of creativity back really to when I was a kid. I was always looking at stuff in weird ways. Like I'd literally stand there and like look at something for like 10 minutes straight, like, and I think that was the first kind of hint of something that was creative in me, but I didn't really see it at that time as something that may have turned into filmmaking or photography or anything like that. But what happened was I started getting into this park and free running thing and naturally, you know, when you're 13, 14 years old, you wanna show your friends that you can back flip. So what we do, I mean, we have mobile phones that had cameras on them, not very good cameras, but we had cameras. Um, and you know, it just started with me filming my, me and my brother jumping over fences and doing flips pretty much.
Anthony: 00:03:19 And it was like that for quite a while, you know, to the point where I'd start making little montages of like what we could do on like movie maker and stuff like that at like 13, 14 years old. And then pretty quickly it started developing into a bit of a passion, a bit of a love for what I was doing. You know, I started enjoying putting these videos together. Friends would tell me, Hey, your videos are really good, like, you should make more. And, uh, it just kind of led on from that and it developed and snowballed into kind of what it is now. But it got to a point where I was at school in the week and I didn't really enjoy school much. So on the weekends it was really my time to express myself through filmmaking where I'd come down and train with friends, do this popcorn free running stuff.
Anthony: 00:04:02 And I was able to make videos of that, of me and my friends hanging out and doing all this cool stuff. And, uh, it got to the point where I was making these really big videos to like music and start getting some good view counts. People were saying, yo, you know, you're really good. Make more videos. And that kept me going Back then it was really like, it was so pure. Like I wasn't getting paid for it. I wasn't getting anything for it. It was just I had this deep love and passion for just this visual creativity. Like the love just drove me forward and I loved every minute of it. It really just developed into what it is now. So I carried on doing it. I left school about 16, I was at college for two years. I went to a school in Croon called the Brit School, which was great. It was, it was good fun. Did you start there? I did like, um, this media course. Uh, it wasn't specifically video, it was kind of photography, radio, you know, marketing, like kind of everything compiled into one course. It was cool. Like I didn't really learn a whole lot if I'm completely honest. Um, and it wasn't really targeted at what I wanted to do, but I met some great people that, I've got some friends I still have today.
Kristin: 00:05:11 A lot of people say that about school, about business school, about photography, film school and university. They're like, I didn't really learn much, but when I graduated I learned so much. Yeah. So what happened between college or university? And then today you've been traveling around the world for two years, you're 22 years old. Um, where was there a gap between going to college or uni and getting your first job, um, filmmaking with, with Giri? Like what was, what was the gap? Because there's always what I think is like a low point where people don't know what they're doing and they start getting really down on themselves and depressed and they're like, I don't like where I am, but how do I get to where I want to be? So can you tell me about what your life was feeling like at that time? Were you confused? Were you lost? Did you have like a clear vision of what you wanted to do? And then how did you get yourself out of that situation into the job, the filmmaking job that you have that led you to travel?
Anthony: 00:06:19 So I guess in the past, sort of five years since I left my school, um, and went into college, my life has changed a lot. A lot of crazy events have happened. Um, I've got a lot of darker past. And really what happened was I went into Brit school and I didn't really kind of engage too much with what was going on in those classes. I just wanted to go out there and start making videos. But I had to do this kind of, this what I thought was a tedious kind of course. And in my mind, the way to get good at what you do is just to do it. Like, if a footballer like Christiana Ronaldo to get the best, to be one of the best players in the world, he didn't get there by reading books and studying football. He did it by practicing every day.
Anthony: 00:07:05 And that's just what I wanted to do because I loved it. Now while I was, uh, midway through my course, you know, a lot of things happened in my life that I wish never happened when I was 17, you know, my brother passed away, which was like a big blow to kind of everything that I had going on. And that kind of, I, you know, I was down in like this hole for so long and it just disrupted my creativity and, you know, everything I was doing, I wasn't making any videos for, for a long time. But, you know, eventually I kind of, things started to get easier. I started to get into, you know, making videos again. And I finished up, uh, on my course at college and I, I left. And, uh, I was one of the only people in my class that didn't apply for university.
Anthony: 00:07:50 And so what happened was I, I left and, uh, I remember getting home, I re I remember my mom saying to me, uh, so Anthony, when are you, when are you gonna get a job? And I was like, mama, I just wanna make videos. Like don't worry, I'm gonna try and make this work. So I started up a business, started making videos freelance, and within about two or three months what happened was I applied for a bursary, which is where like a sponsor will like, give you money. Mm-Hmm, basically no catch. Like depending on like, it was like a competition basically. So I showed them like what my plan was and like what my business was about was making freelance content and, um, pitched the idea to them. They gave me like 8,000 pounds to spend on like equipment, uh, which was like a blessing 'cause it really, like, at the time I didn't have a whole lot of equipment, didn't have any money, I had like nothing.
Anthony: 00:08:46 And, um, I spent that on equipment and from there I was able to, you know, make more content. For the first few months it was just free work, you know, I was just trying to get stuff done so I could get, get portfolio, get portfolio so I can pitch that to clients and make some money. 'cause I had no money at the time. And, uh, eventually I started picking up work, getting a few jobs here and there. And, uh, you know, I started working for some corporate companies up in London and, uh, yeah, started making a bit of money, a couple grand here, a couple grand there. It was definitely, definitely wasn't easy. You know, sometimes I was going months, week, weeks, months without work and it was very difficult. Um, but then I was doing that for about two years. I was literally doing that for about two years. And I loved it. I absolutely loved every minute of it. It was the one time in my life where I truly knew that I was embracing what I wanted to do, waking up every day, doing exactly what I wanted to fulfill.
Kristin: 00:09:37 How were you getting jobs? Like, were you pitching your portfolio to companies or people? Uh, because that's one of the things that I hear people talk about the most is like, yeah, I have this skill of videography or whatever, but how do I get paid? Like, how do I find people to hire me? So what, how did you go about that? Because it seems like you were really just making it up as you went along, which is what I did, which is what so many people do. Yeah. And just hustling. So
Anthony: 00:10:07 Back then it was really hard, like navigating that, like just the marketing of everything was probably the most difficult part of promoting, you know, what I was doing. Like, so initially what happened was with the bursary, I got the people from that bursary forwarded my contacts to a corporate client, which ended up, you know, hiring me to do some work for them. And then from that client they, it was kind of from there on, it was kind of word of mouth, referrals, referrals, that kind of thing. I mean, if I had the knowledge I have now, like with fa like I would just run a Facebook ad, like, or, or Instagram ad or something like that. Yeah. But back then I didn't even know that that sort of stuff existed. I didn't even know the people working online or traveling while working and living this quote unquote digital nomad lifestyle.
Anthony: 00:10:52 I didn't know anything about that. Um, but so what happened was, you know, did that for about two years and then one evening I was, uh, scrolling through Facebook, which, you know, most of the time is just a kind of a waste of time anyway. Yeah. Um, but I came across like an ad, like a video ad. And uh, it was a man I know now called Jubril, one of my best friends. And, um, one of the people that's now changed pretty much my life. So he had a video ad on Facebook, pretty much. He was in London at the time and he was looking for a filmmaker to come travel with his team, make these cool videos around the world. And, uh, at the time I was kind of a point in my life where I wanted something to change 'cause things were cool, but I wasn't at that point as a filmmaker why I was really taken off.
Anthony: 00:11:43 Yeah. And like excelling at what I did and I just needed the opportunity fulfill. Yeah. I wasn't completely fulfilled. So I, he was basically looking for a filmmaker and what he needed was obviously some portfolio work and a video of myself kind of explained who I was. Uh, it was like 4:00 AM in the morning and so I decided right there and then to apply for it. And so I sent through my work, I did a little video myself, explained who I was. I actually went out into the park behind my house. I went out at like 5:00 AM to film this little video on my phone. And, uh, I sent it through not really expecting much 'cause it seemed like a pretty high end thing. Um, I knew my capabilities, but you know, I doubted myself because I was like, you know, so many people are applying.
Anthony: 00:12:29 I don't know if I'm gonna get this. And so yeah, I sent it all through and, uh, a couple days later I was, uh, I was actually doing a shoot up in Liverpool. I was in the back of a car at like 2:00 AM or something, a freezing cold. And I'm checking my email and I just see, let's meet Tuesday. So, um, <laugh>, I meet him a few days later, meet Jab for the first time up in London up in Clapham. We have a great chat for like an hour and a half about stuff. You know, just a really nice conversation. And, uh, yeah, like a couple months later, you know, a bit of back and forth, a bit of, uh, a bit of stuff, uh, a bit of few emails, a little bit of editing for him. Um, he ends up flying me out to Bangkok in January, 2017 going pretty much since then. We've been working together ever since I've been traveling the world. I've been to some incredible places. I've seen some amazing things. I've captured some amazing things, and it's been quite a ride. It's been amazing.
Kristin: 00:13:24 So I think the holy grail for a lot of people is to be able to travel around the world filming travel videos or working in some travel related capacity. What are some of the highs and lows that you've seen in your travels? Like before you started traveling with Jubril had you been outside of the UK or how much had you traveled before?
Anthony: 00:13:49 Before I started traveling with Jubril, my traveling was actually pretty limited. So I come from quite humble beginnings. I grew up in a working class part of London, and we didn't go on holiday that much, like when I was younger or if we did it was within the uk. And so yeah, I've, I've been to some countries before I've met him, so I've been to the US once. I've been to Spain, some places in Europe, but not a huge amount of traveling. And so after meeting Jubril, it was just like being thrown into this completely new lifestyle. And I think for such a long time I was in complete just shock of like the experiences that come my way. And I didn't even really take it in fully. Like it was just, it was coming at me so fast that I didn't even realize what was really going on. It was, it was being like almost just this complete stimulation of everything. Yeah.
Kristin: 00:14:38 Different countries, different people, jet black. Exactly. Filming, editing.
Anthony: 00:14:44 Yeah, exactly.
Kristin: 00:14:46 How much time do you spend working when you're on the road, would you say?
Anthony: 00:14:51 I mean, it's hard to really put a number on it. Um, we'll have like a, an itinerary and every day we'll be shooting. So sometimes some weeks I'll be shooting like all week and then the next week I could be like editing or I could be editing for like a month or like shooting for like a month. Yeah. So it's very kind of like I'm editing or I'm shooting most of the time. While I can do a bit of both as well. Usually after like a full day of shooting, I'm not really in the mood to like edit. Yeah. Some people can do it, but I like to kind of, you know, shoot one day, have another day dedicated to editing. But there's a great deal of work in kind of everything we do. And I would say most of my time I'm editing because it's such a time consuming task.
Anthony: 00:15:35 Yeah. And so pretty much, uh, about a year ago I decided to set base in, um, Shanghai, Thailand. Um, one because it's super cheap. Um, you know, I love Thailand, super friendly people. The weather's good. And uh, yeah, it's just a really cheap place to live. Yeah. Um, it's a really easy place to live and a great place to set pace. If you are working online or like me, you edit and uh, you know, I just needed a hub, um, a place to go when I was in my editing phase, which was sometimes for like a month, two months. Yeah. So I kind of, Chiang Mai is my like hub and then I travel to these other places. Um, but Chiang Mai is kind of where I edit mostly. Um, all back here in London. Uh, I do like coming back to London from time to time as well.
Anthony: 00:16:18 A big reason why I'm back in London at the moment is just because I've been doing this for quite a while now, almost without like a break. Yeah. And recently I've just found myself a little more burnt out than usual, and I just need to be, I, I want to be in a place where I can have my feet in the same soil for more than like a month at a time. Sometimes we need that, sometimes we need just time to recuperate. Yeah. And so, you know, I'm back here for a few months just to get my head straight and, um, focus on my health, my mental health. And then hopefully next year, early next year, continue, um, with this traveling.
Kristin: 00:16:54 Yeah. Now that you've worked with so many experienced people, you've worked with, uh, people who've been traveling around the world for years, you've lived in Chiang Mai, which as you guys all know, is a hub for digital nomads, what are some of the mistakes that you see people making as they try to kind of emulate and model this kind of lifestyle? Because I'm always telling my viewers that I think people travel too fast. You know, I think that they don't have a good balance between the hours they work, the hours they're traveling and the hours they're socializing. So you've probably come into contact with hundreds of, uh, of digital nomads and travelers and bloggers and influential people. But what are some of the mistakes that you see people making who are just starting out? Whether they're traveling part-time or full-time?
Anthony: 00:17:40 You know, I think, well, what you should try to do is figure out a plan beforehand. Figure out kind of what you wanna do, how much, you know, set yourself some goals. You know, how much money do you wanna make a month? How much money do you wanna make in one year? And I think you should at least be a point where you can sustain yourself in a place like Shanghai, Thailand, because you know a lot of people as well. There's a lot of misconceptions about Thailand, like Yeah, well it is cheap. It's really up to you how much you wanna spend there. You know, if you wanna spend a lot of money in Thailand, you absolutely can. Um, plenty of people go in there with a lot of money and come out with no money. I think what everyone's gotta do is, um, take whatever drives you, whatever is that burning desire in you, something that you wake up every day, like it is the first thing you think about in the morning.
Anthony: 00:18:26 The first thing you really wanna, um, make happen in a day. You need to take that and you need to put that into, like, you need to push that as a working force into what you want to do. You need to really put effort into making that dream, that desire become a reality. Now, for me, like, I mean, I'll just say it how it is, like when I was growing up, I loved to make videos and so that continued through my life and it's still a big passion of mine today. Now obviously we're all gonna have events in our life, things that we don't want to happen, bad things happen, you know, to everyone, some worse than others. When my brother died, it messed me up for so long, it really did. My mindset changed. You know, I had some mental problems going on. I had some anger issues and for the longest time I was lost in my life.
Anthony: 00:19:16 I didn't know really where I was heading. The film dream kind of just, I don't know, it was almost like it got covered up like a, like a mask. It kind of just got put into the background a little bit. Um, but after a while I started to realize that life is so short, life is so precious. I know it sounds kind of cliche, but you know, it really is. Um, I had no, no idea my brother was gonna die. And, uh, it just made me how realize how delicate it is and how quickly it can be taken away. And it just reinstated to me that life can be taken away at any moment. And I didn't actually have that long left. We look our lives and we say, yeah, we might live to 70, 80, you know, might live to 60, we might live to 90 if we're lucky, but there's no guarantees of that.
Anthony: 00:20:00 You know, there's no guarantee I'll be here tomorrow. There's no guarantee I'll even make 30. You know, there's, there's no guarantees in life. And so you really need to just enjoy every day, you know, um, live your passions and just make it happen. And, you know, there's been experiences in my life last year, um, I was in a pretty serious situation as well. I was in South Africa and um, you know, I woke up with, uh, people pointing guns to my head and, uh, got tied up, um, almost got shot and killed that night. And that, again, reinstated that life can be taken away at any moment. But I'm not gonna sit here and just complain about the things I've been through and use it as an excuse not to be great, not to, you know, be as good as I can be. And so I really just, it, it, it toughened my skin a lot and it made me just really get, get on with it.
Anthony: 00:20:53 No matter the circumstance, no matter what happens to me, I can keep going. Yeah. And so my mindset has strengthened since those days. You know, I wish they never happened and I wish I could go back and I wish things were a different way in, in so many respects. I wish my life was a different way. Yeah. But this is the way I've got it. This is what I've gotta do. This is what you're given in life. This is how you're gonna deal with it. Bad things happen in our lives, but we can use it as a lesson or we can use it as something to complain about something or we can use it as a reason as to why our lives aren't the way they want to be. Right. You know, so you gotta use them as lessons. You gotta use 'em as, as something to learn from and uh, develop from. And that's exactly what I used it for. But it took a long time for me to accept that this has happened in my life and it was here for a reason.
Kristin: 00:21:41 But one of the big takeaways from this conversation with Anthony, and remember he's only 22 years old, and that's how old I was when I moved to Costa Rica for the first time, is like, if you have an idea for something that you wanna do, and surely many of your friends and family members aren't going to necessarily understand it, but just pursue that and see what happens. And remember that your mindset is really like, we're usually our own worst enemy. We're usually the only people holding ourselves back. So it's like once you open your mindset and you're able to get in a place where you're traveling the world and you're crossing borders and you're working from with people from everywhere, you start to realize that really anything is possible. And it does sound cliche, but yeah, just being able to bounce back from failures and bounce back from hardships and and things that go wrong is one of the, the characteristics that helps people remain successful for many, many years regardless of what they're doing.
Kristin: 00:22:44 And like, knowing when it's time to take a break, knowing when you're burnt out. Um, I burnt out at 21 <laugh> and Anthony's 22. He is already been all around the world and he's recognizing signs when it's time to take care of yourself and kind of dial things back. Like you don't always have to be like go, go, go. But there's definitely a balance between living in the moment and like taking advantage of the day and situations, but then also being a human being. And, you know, knowing that you need to slow down sometimes the people that you've met. I know I've seen some of your Instagram posts about how inspired you've been by so many of the locals and, uh, foreigners that you've met on the road. Do you think that being exposed to the standards that different people are setting for their selves and their business has have helped you to grow faster? Like, has that kind of like mindset opened your eyes to the fact that it's not what you are allowed to do or a skill set that you're born with, it's really like what you make of it and what you decide you're gonna do next?
Anthony: 00:23:51 Oh, definitely. Like, one of the most, one of the most powerful things for me since I started being around these great people is just the possibilities that have been opened up to my eyes. So, uh, one guy in particular, Jubril Agoro, who's one of my best friends and pretty much my mentor, he's introduced me to so many new ways of thinking and then also just introducing me to very successful individuals, people that have really made shit happen. And, um, it's really like being around those types of people is just opened my eyes to really what's possible in the world today. Um, I mean, for example, I didn't even, I didn't even know what a digital nomad was until like maybe a year and a half ago. Um, and then, you know, going out to Thailand and meeting all these people working on online, I was like, ah, like people are actually really doing this shit.
Anthony: 00:24:37 And I, I, I didn't understand back then that you could actually do that. Things like that. My eyes have just been open to so many new perspectives, so many new ways of thinking. And then Jubril is just guiding me in such a good direction and he is someone just so good to fall back on as well. Any little query I have or any question or like anything I have that's business related or like life related, you know, I can ask Jubril. And it, it really just, it helps me in so many different ways because there's always, when you're living away and you're learning and you're, you've got all these new experiences coming at you, there's always a lot of questions that arise. There's always like queries and like little worries that you get that you want addressed. And so Jubril's a really good person to fall back on just business wise, life-wise.
Anthony: 00:25:23 And, uh, he is got a lot of experience as well. And so, um, being around him and then being around just everyone else as well, people with such positive mindsets. And when you're around people that have pretty much seen the world as well, their level of wisdom is so much higher as like, I feel like it's so much higher as well, just being around, you know, individuals that have seen and done things that most people haven't. And, um, they all do different things. Jubril does his marketing, there's other filmmakers on the crew as well, which I've definitely learned from, learn some very valuable skills from. And um, you know, there's other marketers and just so many dope people and so many dope, uh, lessons, uh, to learn. And so it is changed the course of my life and it's changed kind of what I thought was possible.
Anthony: 00:26:09 I mean, so many people that have just turned their lives around in the shortest period of time. Like my girlfriend for example, who I met in, um, in Thailand, she's bums she in the past two years. So about two years ago she had like, no, no money, nothing. And in the past two years, she's really been working hard at her like online fitness business and she's excelled in it. And now she's completely financially stable, got her own place. And it's just amazing to see. And it's inspiring, you know, when I'm around people like that all the time, it makes it seem so much more attainable. Like it's within reach. Like, um, even my friends around me, like, uh, one of my best friends actually has seen what I've been able to do in such a short period of time, travel the world, make videos. Yeah. And even he, he now wants to quit his job and he wants to start making videos now. Because when you have people around you, you know, close friends, associates that are doing really cool shit, it makes it seem much more cl- it makes it seem closer and much more attainable. Yeah. And so it is very inspiring when you surround yourself with people like that. I mean, you know, the saying like, you become the average of the top five people you hang out with, it is so real. That shit is real.
Kristin: 00:27:18 It's real. Yeah. That is some truth. <laugh>. Yeah. And if you don't have five people that you know that you want to be the average of in your life, which honestly for me, I have thousands of friends, thousands of acquaintances, but there's not five people around me all the time. So what do I have to do? I have to find role models online, um, you know, read books, listen to podcasts and, and try to integrate that vibe because there is no time or space like everything is connected. So if you know, you need to kind of program yourself and train yourself to how you want your mindset to be and not let other people bring you down, set yourself up for success. Make sure that everything that you're consuming in the day is positive and is where you wanna be going. And don't let the past things that have happened dictate what's gonna happen in your future.
Kristin: 00:28:15 Like just go and, you know, just take the first step and you never know where you're gonna end up. <laugh>, you could also end up back where you started, which is what happens for a lot of us. Everything comes full circle. And it's like you go out into the world, you take these experiences, these perspectives, you create things out of it, and then you come back to like regenerate and regroup and um, and just kind of absorb everything that happened and then go back out there, do it again, but with a whole new perspective instead of experiences supporting you. So thanks so much an for sharing your story and where if people wanna follow your journey or get help with how to create videos and all of the other things that you're now teaching people online, where can they find you?
Anthony: 00:29:01 So if you want to check out my Instagram, uh, it's @ant_creative, you can put the little tag here, you can check out that page. That pretty much will keep you up to date on what I'm doing, where I'm, and that kind of thing. If you wanna learn more about filmmaking, I actually dropped a brand new ebook where I can teach you basically the basics of filmmaking. It's called, uh, the Ultimate Guide, uh, to filmmaking for beginners. And uh, it basically, it's just got some really cool stuff in there. Stuff that I wish I knew kind of three, four years ago. Yeah. Um, and I think if, if you really want to get into filmmaking, that'll definitely help you out. Um, in addition to that, um, I've got a YouTube channel called Ant Creative and uh, if you check that out, um, I've got a lot of videos on there kind of. Um, if you wanna learn color grading, I've got videos on color grading, camera movement, basically the technical side of things. It teaches you a lot of that kind of stuff. Uh, I've got some more videos coming soon, so stay tuned for that. But yeah, that so you can find.
Kristin: 00:29:56 Awesome. I need that <laugh>, I need help with color grading. <laugh>, I'll let you up. So what's next for you? Um, you're staying in London for a while, do some work. And then what are your plans for 2019?
Anthony: 00:30:07 So yeah, back in London, um, I, as I said, I wanna get my head straight, you know, um, you know, uh, focus on my physical mental health. Um, I'm doing a bit of work as well, so I'm doing a bit of editing here and there. Um, a little bit filming as well. Um, but you know, spending Christmas with the family and, uh, hopefully next year I'll continue on my travels, probably be back off to Thailand and uh, yeah, we got a lot of exciting trips, uh, coming up, but more on that soon.
Kristin: 00:30:33 Cool. And also, yeah, if people wanna check out the travel videos that you make with reel, what is his channel?
Anthony: 00:30:38 Yes. So the videos I make are for a YouTube channel called Passport Heavy. So check out Passport Heavy. We upload all our videos there. If you are interested in travel content, definitely check out. We go to some really cool places. We talk about cost of living in these places of what to know about certain countries and we tell it in a kind of a cinematic and quite a cool way. So yeah, definitely check that out as well.
Kristin: 00:30:59 Awesome guys, check out and his team over at Passport Heavy Jubril. I hope to meet them someday as well. Maybe we'll cross paths and so long for now. Bye from London.
Anthony: 00:31:11 Bye-Bye.