July 16, 2019

Rolf Potts on 25 Years of Vagabonding Around the World

Rolf Potts is an American author, essayist, screenwriter, and long-term traveler who is most known for his best-selling book, Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel. 20 years since writing Vagabonding, Rolf continues to inspire people through his work. As technology and the ability to work remotely create unprecedented conditions for people to live a location-independent, digital nomad lifestyle, Rolf’s advice remains as relevant as ever. Enjoy!

Rolf Potts is an American author, essayist, screenwriter, and long-term traveler who is most known for his best-selling book, Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel. Tim Ferriss has cited Vagabonding as the reason he decided to travel the world for a year in 2004-2005. As a result, Tim went on to write The Four-Hour Work Week, which is how I found out about Rolf’s books in 2007.

12 years later, I enrolled as a student at Rolf’s first Travel Memoir Workshop this summer (a new addition to his annual Paris Writing Workshop series). He sat down with me to talk about some of his biggest lessons and realizations from 25 years of traveling.

He also shares tips on: 
• How to find adventure and avoid crowds during the social media era
• What your bucket list should really be used for
• Why you should consider hiring a guide when you travel (no matter how many countries you’ve been to)

20 years since writing Vagabonding, Rolf continues to inspire people with through his work. As technology and the ability to work remotely create unprecedented conditions for people to live a location-independent, digital nomad lifestyle, Rolf’s advice remains as relevant as ever. Enjoy!

Connect with Rolf: https://rolfpotts.com/

About Kristin: 
Kristin Wilson is an online entrepreneur, writer, speaker, and content creator who has lived and worked in 60+ countries. She coaches people who want to work online and travel through her courses, workshops, and two YouTube channels. She also consults companies in adopting remote work policies.

Kristin is a Top Writer on Quora and Medium who has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, ESPN, The New York Times, Huffpost, HGTV’s House Hunters International, and more.


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Rolf Potts

Author & Travel Writer

Rolf Potts is an American author, essayist, screenwriter, and long-term traveler who is known for his best-selling book, Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel.