Oct. 24, 2023

Join Me on Nomad Cruise 12 from Spain to Brazil In December

Want to travel with Kristin in 2023 or 2024? Find out how to join Kristin on Nomad Cruise 12 from Spain to Brazil this December 2-12, 2023 and if the Nomad Cruise is right for you.

Want to travel with Kristin in 2023 or 2024? Find out how to join Kristin on Nomad Cruise 12 from Spain to Brazil this December 2-12, 2023 and if the Nomad Cruise is right for you. You can save €100 on any cabin by using the code TWK or TravelingWithKristin with this link.


Plus, we're going to Portugal in 2024! Be the first to know when tickets come available by adding your email here. Kristin will be hosting a guided trip from Lisbon to the Algarve in April 2024. 🇵🇹


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Full show notes and the podcast transcript will be up shortly on www.badassdigitalnomads.com.


Sneak Peek:


Kristin:    00:00:00    When I think back to my first time joining it, I had no idea what the Nomad cruise was. So I just joined on a whim and I had no idea what to expect. And this Nomad Cruise six was the first time that I met other digital nomads and I think I connected with at least a hundred people. And it's been so organic, the friendships that have come out of it. And when you're just in this scenario where you're traveling with these people for two weeks, you get to know them on such a deep level that when you get off the boat, it's like you've been friends forever.  


Introduction: Welcome to Badass Digital Nomads, where we're pushing the boundaries of remote work and travel, all while staying grounded with a little bit of old school philosophy, self-development, and business advice from our guests. 


Kristin Wilson, Host:    00:00:56    Hey there, Kristin Wilson from Traveling with Kristin here and welcome to episode 230 of Badass Digital Nomads. I am coming to you today from one of my favorite cities in the world, and that is Amsterdam in the Netherlands. But as you might be able to hear in my voice, I'm a bit sick today and I've actually been sick for 18 days and it's not going away. So right after this I have an appointment with a teledoctor in Amsterdam . So if you get sick when you're traveling, you can always look for a tourist doctor or a hotel doctor and just Google that and you can usually find some pretty quick resources. So I just got in last night and I was able to book an appointment for the following morning with either, there's Hotel Doctor Amsterdam, there's tourist doctors, Amsterdam, and you can also find these sorts of doctors in other cities and countries around the world as well.  


Kristin:    00:02:00    So quick tip for you there, I think there are consultations start at 49 euro, so you can get that reimbursed if you have the European health insurance card or if you have a travel medical insurance. But you could also pay out of pocket if you didn't have it. It's pretty reasonable prices and I'm hoping, hoping to get better soon. It's been a sinus infection or something. It's been very uncomfortable. <laugh>. So I got sick right before I went to Ibiza about three or four days before I got there. Had an amazing time in Spain, beautiful place, but I was sick the whole time. Got back to Manchester, still sick, had to pack and get ready to move out of my six month rental there. And then made it to Amsterdam yesterday and was so, you know, when you're just sick and you're tired and you have brain fog, left my passport on the plane.  


Kristin:    00:02:57    Luckily <laugh>, I checked for it right before I walked out of the airport terminal into immigration and it's always in the same pocket of my bag. The pocket was open, the passport was not there. And I panicked for a second and then I thought, no, it's fine. We will figure this out. And I went to the Lost and found and they did find it on the plane. So I was really lucky that the cleaning crew found it. They recovered it and they brought it back to me within about an hour. So, but I did learn that in that case you can also get a temporary pass to enter into the Netherlands and go to the embassy to get a temporary travel document. So it wouldn't mean that, you know, you get kicked out and deported necessarily. Uh, but yes, it's been a bit of a whirlwind for me here, <laugh>.  


Kristin:    00:03:53    But I am really excited to announce that we're going to Portugal next year. So as you may have remembered from a few episodes back, I mentioned that I was doing a survey to see who would want to travel with me in 2024 and over 200 people replied to that survey and voted on Portugal as their number one destination. And it was a pretty close with a few other places as well, including Italy, including Croatia. And I talked with a tour provider and they are going to bring Spain back on board potentially next year. So if there's a lot of interest and things go well for this first trip, I'll, I'll open up more trips to go to different destinations. Um, maybe we could go to Croatia or Italy in the fall, but we'll be going to Portugal in the spring in April. So sales are not open yet to reserve your place on the trip.  


Kristin:    00:04:57    However, if you wanna be the first one to know when bookings open up, we'll be going from Lisbon to the Algarve. It'll be about one week. I'll have all the details for you coming up on the podcast. But if you definitely are interested and you wanna be the the first person to be able to reserve your ticket when it opens, then fill out the link in the show notes and you can join the email list that's specifically for this trip to Portugal, not just my normal email list, but we'll also be announcing it on the email list as well. So basically you can join a separate list that's just for information about this trip to Portugal. Now if you already filled out this survey, then you're already on the list to be notified, but if you haven't filled out the travel survey yet and this is the first time you're hearing about it and you're interested in learning more, then you can fill out that in the link below.  


Kristin:    00:05:59    My guest today is Johannes Voelkner, who is the founder of Nomad Cruise, and he's gonna talk with us a little bit about the upcoming Nomad Cruise 12, which is going from Spain to Brazil this December 2nd to the 12th. And what you can expect, who is it for? And just some of the exciting things that are coming up on that cruise. So if you've been on Nomad Cruise before, you know how amazing it is. And if you are like what's Nomad Cruise? Well, you're gonna find out in the next few minutes. The Nomad Cruise is for both new and experienced digital nomads, or people who are just interested in a location independent lifestyle. So you can have a normal job, you don't have to be a digital nomad yet. It's just if this lifestyle of being able to travel the world and uh, work from anywhere you want, or even if you have passive income, there are a lot of retired nomads or passive income nomads who come on the cruise as well.  


Kristin:    00:07:03    This could be something that could be of interest to you if you're just looking to learn more to build your skillset and make even more money online. Or if you're looking to just get started and trying to figure out what is the best path for you to take the first steps in this lifestyle. And it's just for you if you love to travel and you want to meet other like-minded people who also love to travel. So there will be over 400 people in this floating conference. And as Johannes mentions, more than 60 different talks. So there's talks on everything business related, personal related talks on how to turn your passion into a business. Social media, like how to go viral on Instagram, travel hacks, like how to fly in business class for economy prices, how people became millionaires, how to get free publicity for your business, how to get high quality restorative sleep while traveling.  


Kristin:    00:08:06    How to eliminate pain or discomfort while working and traveling. How to run effective charity organizations remotely. How to organize events, how to overcome self-sabotage. There's so many topics of more than 60 talks and everything from productivity to personal development, relationships, love, wellness, A.I, all sorts of things. And I'll also be giving a talk as well on Digital Nomad 101, how to get started in the digital nomad lifestyle. So I'll go ahead and link to our previous interview with Johannes in the show notes. You can learn more about his background. I'll also link to some of the videos and links for Nomad Cruise so you can discover more about it and see if it's something that appeals to you and if it's the right fit to you for you. And, uh, hope to see you there in person. So that will be the next place that we can meet and hang out in person. We'll be on Nomad Cruise 12 in December. And then if you're interested in coming with me on the first ever Traveling with Kristin Trip to Portugal in April, then make sure to sign up in the link in the show notes. And I look forward to seeing you somewhere around the world.  


Podcast Interview:


Kristin:    00:09:31    Hi everyone, Welcome to Badass Digital Nomads and I am so happy to welcome back a good friend of mine and a repeat guest of the show. And that is Johannes Voelkner of Nomad Cruise. Welcome back, Johannes.  


Johannes:    00:09:46    Yes, it's great to be here again and uh, yeah, super happy to be here and speaking with you, being part of the show.  


Kristin:    00:09:54    It's been a couple years since you were on the show, but we'll definitely link to your other episode where you talk more about your background and how you started the Nomad Cruise and built your online business. But today I just wanted to kind of have fun and get excited about the upcoming cruise because I haven't been on it since 2018. So it's been so many years since I was able to attend a nomad cruise and I'm really excited and wanna just kind of get a refresher of all of the things that we can expect. I'm sure some of the people listening already have their ticket to get on board, but in case people have never heard of it before or they're just wondering if it is the right thing for them to do, you know, we can talk a bit about who is it for, what can they expect, where are we going? And then even after the cruise, some of the other types of meetups and activities and gatherings that people can expect.  


Johannes:    00:10:57    Yeah. Shall I just give you a little rundown of what we are planning to do, I guess? Right. So, um, we are organizing the 12th Nomad Cruise, so it's been quite a while. I guess if you were 2018, it must have been like the seventh or something. So the concept is still pretty much the same. We haven't, uh, changed so much. It's basically group event for over 300 people, I think on the next cruise. We are expecting over 400 in total from all over the world. And it's an event that is really for everyone who's like interested in a more nomadic life, in more freedom, uh, living in beautiful places around the world. So the majority of people on board, let's say 60% are digital nomads. They are, they've been doing and living this lifestyle for quite a while. And then there are many people who are interested in it or who have already settled and who are not traveling that much anymore, but they just want to reconnect with the community.  


Johannes:    00:11:58    And, um, yeah, with these people we are organizing a conference on board. As you know, the digital elements have got a lot of different skills. So we are running a full conference with over 60 talks and workshops, all of this and yeah, talent shows and lots of things like even the unconference, all these things happen while we are traveling across the Atlantic Ocean. This time we are going on my favorite route going from Spain to Brazil where every day gets a little bit warmer. And then we arrive in a beautiful beach town in Brazil where uh, many people just continue to stay and then travel onwards. I don't know, did you do the trip to Brazil before? Have you done it or?  


Kristin:    00:12:43    I did, uh, one from Barcelona to Recife, Brazil, and then we went to Porto de Galinhas, which was this little beach town nearby, but this one will be leaving from Tenerife and the Canary Islands, which was actually a stop on Nomad Cruise7. So I got a little taste of what the lifestyle is like there and it's so beautiful. And then, uh, so we'll be going to Salvador, which I've never been to.  


Johannes:    00:13:13    Yeah, so this time we're going to Salvador and um, but very close to Salvador. There's a town called Morro de São Paulo, and it's a small beach town. It's a little bit similar to Porto de Galinhas where you went last time. Just a really beautiful, chilled out beach town. Uh, very, very safe place. You can only actually get there by boat even though it's on the mainland. So I think that about 200 people will be going there right after the cruise, and this will be a whole experience as well, right. Going with 200 people to a small town where there will be a lot of collaboration happening, a lot of like people working together doing different things, but also of course a lot of parties and, and other things. And then, uh, actually after Morro de São Paulo, many people are flying back home for Christmas and others will continue their journey to actually Rio de Janero to celebrate New Year's Eve together. And then, uh, slowly down towards Buenos Aires, we are actually organizing just after the New Year's Eve, another trip to Antarctica. And those who are not joining, they are going to Florianópolis. And then we all reunite in Buenos Aires at the end of January. So it's actually not just a cruise, it's like a full experience where it's very, very easy to really connect with these people who are living the same lifestyle. And I don't know, like have you, are you still in touch with some people that you met on the cruise?  


Kristin:    00:14:43    Definitely. You know, when I think back to my first time joining it, I was actually, I had no idea what the Nomad cruise was. I had, I think I had heard of it but had forgotten about it because I barely knew what a digital nomad was. And I was at a co-living space in Tokyo in Japan, and one of the girls there had been on Nomad Cruise. And I remember we were sitting in the kitchen and I think I got an ad for Nomad Cruise maybe, and I remember she had mentioned it and I said, oh yeah, isn't this the cruise that you went on? And she's like, oh yeah, you should definitely go. And she highly recommended it. And so I looked into it and I thought about it for a few days and I was in Japan for three months and I didn't have a plan for where I was going to go after, but I knew I wanted to go back to Europe.  


Kristin:    00:15:39    And so I thought, well, this could be an opportunity to go back to Europe, do this Mediterranean nomad cruises, meet some other of these digital nomads I've been hearing so much about. And so I just joined on a whim and I had no idea what to expect. And I was, we were in Málaga where we left from, and the first day I got to my Airbnb or my hotel, it was attached to a hostel. And I met Johnny FD in the hostel on the first day. And I, I had seen his videos before and had read his blog and we're still friends to this day. And you know, this Nomad Cruise 6 was the first time that I met other digital nomads. And I think I connected with at least a hundred people. There might've been more than 200 people on the boat. And it's been so organic, the friendships that have come out of it to where sometimes I forget even how I know them.  


Kristin:    00:16:42    I mean, I'm, I'm in touch with almost everybody that I met on the cruise and will be on WhatsApp or some of us are in Masterminds together or we work together or people will just send me a message on Instagram or they'll text me something like, Hey, I saw your book, I saw this video. And one girl mart actually from Germany during the pandemic, we would do these long walks where we would just talk on WhatsApp for two or three hours. And you know, you just really connect with people in all different ways. Some people you connect with as a business partner or relationship, some people it's more like a long lost friend. Some people even end up getting married from meeting people on the Nomad Cruise. It's like when you bring together hundreds of like-minded people who aren't necessarily digital nomads, but who are just interested in a traveling lifestyle or in living in other countries or in learning about how to make money online.  


Kristin:    00:17:45    And, and when you're just in this scenario where you're traveling with these people for two weeks, you get to know them on such a deep level that when you get off the boat, it's like you've been friends forever. And Nomad Cruise is one of the reasons that I never feel like I'm lonely when I'm traveling because I have this network of hundreds of people that I've met on these two cruises that you know, that they understand what you're going through and you can just send them a message anytime you can meet up with them and travel, then they introduce you to their friends. So you have a lot of mutual friends. And, uh, like Matt Bowles for example, he has been on my podcast a lot of times, I've been on his podcast, uh, we met up in Miami, he introduced me to Nora Dunn, the professional hobo who also became a good friend of mine, even though we've never met in person.  


Kristin:    00:18:39    So I, I think that for anybody who's, who's never been, it's like if you're in a lot of Facebook groups or you're in a lot of forums and you've connected with a lot of people, but you wanna actually put that into practice and meet people in person, I have always recommended going to a conference or an event as a way to make real life connections that you can then take back online because you might be living in different places, but it's also a lot more than just going to a business conference or a marketing conference where you might meet people at a networking event or at the bar and pick up a bunch of business cards and then never see them again. Or you forget whose business card was this. And then you lose touch with them in this case, like you see these people for breakfast, lunch, dinner events, you hear them speak on stage, uh, you sit next to them by the pool, you go on an excursion with them and you just start to recognize the faces, the names. And it's astounding actually.  


Johannes:    00:19:44    And sometimes you don't even know what they do for business. Right. And you only find this out like a long time later. Yeah,  


Kristin:    00:19:50    Yeah. There was one guy who I met who was a firefighter from New York. He wasn't even, uh, a digital nomad. His like half the boat wasn't digital nomads, it was people that were interested in learning how can I make an online income and travel more basically.  


Johannes:    00:20:07    Hmm hmm. Yeah. I mean, um, this was also one of my ideas, right? Or this is one of the ideas where we are organizing these reunions and this travel even after the cruise because I know that friendships are made by experiences, right? And oftentimes when we travel, we meet some backpackers, you know, or like wherever we go, but we never really have time to connect on the long run. And if you have a group of let's say 200 people that know each other kind of right, and even after this time, this network basically just keeps existing, right? Because some are well more connected with these others are more connected with these. And I do believe that's just an assumption for you. There's like a lot of people that you know now and they've also been on Nomad Cruise, but you never went on the same trip.  


Kristin:    00:20:55    Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> definitely. It's, it's turned into, I mean, how many people total? There must be thousands of people who've been on at least one of the 11 nomad cruises, right?  


Johannes:    00:21:07    One and a half thousand or around one and a half thousand. But a lot of people joined like three, four times.  


Kristin:    00:21:14    Exactly. So most people have been on more than one, I would say. I actually signed up for the next one while I was on the first one, I think because I was having so much fun. <laugh>  


Johannes:    00:21:26    <laugh>. Yes. Yeah.  


Kristin:    00:21:28    And some people have been on all of them. <laugh>.  


Johannes:    00:21:31    There's one person who's been on almost all of them, like Stella,


Kristin:  Stella.


Johannes:  Um, but, uh, once we organized two cruises at the same time, uh, in 2019, so that was, there were only two, three people who were on both cruises. 'cause we went for five days on the one that was going to Brazil. And at the same time we had one cruise that was going to Dubai that was like, uh, at the same time because we loved the trip to Brazil, but we also wanted to organize something for our alumnis who just, you know, wanted to have some kind of different experience. And so we, we did this and then, uh, COVID came. So we had now four years of break  


Kristin:    00:22:11    <laugh>. Oh, right. Oh, wait, when was the last cruise?  


Johannes:    00:22:14    The last one was in 2019.  


Kristin:    00:22:17    Oh, wow. Mm-Hmm. Okay. Yeah. 'cause I thought I missed one of them. That must've been the one that was earlier this year, but I was moving to Europe so I didn't go. Yeah. But wow, that's such a great opportunity to have everybody back. And so many people have been messaging me about it for former alumni. Are you going on an NC 12? Are you going? I mean, at least 20 or 30 people have asked me. So now I can happily say yes, I'm going. <laugh>  


Johannes:    00:22:47    Amazing. Yeah, yeah, no, I'm looking forward that, uh, we meet again there very soon as well. Let's  


Kristin:    00:22:53    Talk about just a normal day in the life on the cruise. So a lot of people have been on cruises before, or some people like me might not be cruise people. Like I went on one cruise to The Bahamas from Fort Lauderdale once. I hated it. I wanted to get off the boat the whole time. And I said, I'm never going on a cruise again. And then I found myself on, now this is, this will be my third nomad cruise, so I'm not even the type of person that likes cruise ships necessarily. Um, but other people might really love it, but they might know the typical cruise where you just go for fun and for leisure and for sightseeing. So in a nomad cruise, like what is a typical schedule? You, you wake up in the morning and what happens? 


Johannes:    00:23:39    So in the morning there's always a little bit of yoga for those who are for the early birds. And then we have program in one of the venues or in two different venues where we have talks. I mean, we have over 60 talks this time on the cruise. We have talks about co-living, real estate, marketing, Instagram growth, personal development, like really everything that the people are like, have their knowledge of where they are coaches in or, um, it is a very, very diverse group. Everyone can find this on our website, um, all the talks, but it's a really, really amazing group of speakers there. And they actually all signed up, right? They are like participants. So we are co-creating this experience together with the participants who are joining the cruise. And, um, so these are in the morning, the talks, and then in the afternoon it's a little bit more pool time, it's a bit more unconference.  


Johannes:    00:24:35    So, um, individual sessions, a lot of people organize their own meetups for crypto or for whatever topic they're interested in. And then usually in the afternoon we also have some workshops. So they're going a little bit deeper, like one hour, one hour workshops, and then in the evening we all go for dinner. So those people who like to have like share dinner with a lot of people, uh, we have mastermind dinners or just normal dinners and everyone goes to the same restaurant or people take a break and go just to the buffet, right? Like sometimes this can be a little bit overwhelming when you are going on a cruise with so many people. And then after the dinner, we usually have some other program as well. So in the evening it's more like networking, more like fun things, or we are organizing like a version of Shark Tank.  


Johannes:    00:25:24    So different types of events, and then people go to the bar and then they go to the disco for as long as that stays open. But of course, everyone can choose however they want, right? There's no, let's say set schedule. And some people just like to sleep in and they only join for from lunch onwards and others go, go to bed early. And, um, yeah, like a lot of people are joining also alone. I think this is, uh, I think to say like we really are doing our best to make the networking very easily and to make it possible that you meet a lot of people that you get along with from the moment that you get on the ship, right? So if you are joining the cruise and you come, you know, like a few days earlier, um, there's lots of possibilities to meet the other people and to really make friends already very, very early through the event. So there's really no need for someone to be scared, right? Like, I think that you also joined alone, or did you know anyone on the cruise when you went the first time?  


Kristin:    00:26:25    I didn't know anybody. I, I went alone. And one of the things that struck me was how welcoming everybody was. I don't think I've ever met such a diverse group of people from so many different countries of all different ages, all different backgrounds, and there was no filter. Like, you know how when you meet somebody in the normal world, <laugh>, you know, they're asking usually, well at first they're either wondering why you're talking to them, or if you meet someone in a small talk scenario, like at a meetup or a dinner, it's more like, oh, what do you do? And yada, yada yada. And this, it's hard to explain, but it's almost like people see you for who you are and they're just waiting to get to know you. There's like no judgment, there's no preconceived notions and there's no exchange as far as, it's not a transactional relationship, it's just people just genuinely they wanna know, you know, who are you?  


Kristin:    00:27:32    What, you know, what's your name? They wanna get to know you. They're not trying to get anything from you. Everyone's just giving value, giving time, giving, you know, lending an ear, giving advice. It's a very strange thing when you think about it. It's almost like a little mini utopia. And I've just never experienced that on land before or I've never experienced that outside of, of this kind of community. You know, usually when you go to a conference or you go to a meetup, like it just, I guess it's more surface level and it's more like people are there to get something.  


Johannes:    00:28:09    I think one of the problem or the main difference to a normal conference is that everyone knows in a conference you only have like three days. So you want to meet really just those people that really matter to you. And everyone is just like, okay, is this person interesting for me or whatsoever? And this is about, the cruise is more about creating friendships and creating like lasting connections with people that maybe you meet them one year later in Bali, right? Like, so right now after this podcast I'm going home and uh, we have a meetup with almost 20 nomad cruise alumnis and with their friends who are all joining and we're just having a dinner tonight. And, um, that's the beauty of this, right? That in some places around the world, there are just so many of them. Or if you're going to Lisbon, er, uh, yeah, to places where there's like usually a lot of digital nomads you can really connect very, very easily once you've been around. But it's, it's also really important to like really also commit to this, right? Because if you just join the cruise and you're just listening and parti like without really participating, then you don't really make so many connections or, um, it's, it wouldn't last so long. But, um, with participation it works pretty well to build a nice network.  


Kristin:    00:29:27    Well, I think we have a discount for people who want to sign up. So how long do people have, all right, the dates are from December 2nd to the 12th, when can, how long do people have to sign up and then we have I believe a $100 discount for them or a 100 euro discount.  


Johannes:    00:29:48    Yeah. So, uh, if someone is interested, they have a 100 euro discount, uh, that you will share here in the show notes, I think, uh, somewhere, right? and basically the, they can book anytime, but some of the categories are already selling out. So I wouldn't really wait too long to jump on board and uh, follow a little bit, you know, what we're check on the website or check on on YouTube, right? You made a nice video about the nomad cruise as well. A long time. Like there's a lot of, uh, information online and if anyone is like a little bit hesitant or needs some more information, they can always email us. But I think it's like something where you don't want to wait another three years to jump on board because the connections and the things that you make, they can already make an impact in half a year. Right. So if someone is thinking about it, I wouldn't Yeah. Recommend to jump on board to join us and not think too long because yeah, so some of the cabins are, we might still have some cabins like short notice, but um, I would just do it, yeah. Book pretty soon,  


Kristin:    00:30:53    Right? Okay, great. I'll link to all of that info in the show notes. And I believe if you use code  


Kristin:    00:31:01    TWK or Traveling with Kristin, K-R-I-S-T-I-N,  


Kristin:    00:31:08    Then you could get that 100 euro discount. Yes.


Johannes:  Yes.


Kristin: Perfect. Well, and so you're in Bali and you're flying back to Germany today?  


Johannes:    00:31:17    I'm not flying back to, uh, Germany today, but only in a, in a few weeks. Oh, okay. Tonight we are meeting, uh, Norman Cruise alumnis here in Bali. We have a meetup tonight.  


Kristin:    00:31:27    Oh, wonderful.  


Johannes:    00:31:27    Um, in three hours.  


Kristin:    00:31:29    Great. Well thanks Johannes for coming on and sharing a bit about the upcoming Nomad Cruise 12, and I really look forward to seeing you and reuniting with everybody in December.  


Johannes:    00:31:42    Yes. Amazing. Thank you so much Kristin, and, uh, looking forward to meet you so soon.  


Kristin:    00:31:48    I hope that this quick chat with Johannes gave you a lot to think about as far as your goals for the end of the year. And if you want to hop on the Nomad Cruise with us. So again, it, it's for you if you're looking to level up your online business or remote work skills as there are more than 60 people who are on the cruise. Basically self-made entrepreneurs and digital nomads who will be sharing their skills with you and in keynote talks as well as workshops. But there's also a lot of breakout sessions that people will organize during the cruise. So anyone on the cruise can offer to do a meetup or a skill share. I've been to all sorts of different ones, including music production and basically any skills that people have, they will do like a 15 minute meetup or a 30 minute meetup and just share something about that.  


Kristin:    00:32:44    So that's good if you're looking for a new line of work and you wanna get ideas or maybe if you're looking for a new hobby or if you just wanna learn more about a certain topic. And that's just lots of other informal meetups that are always happening on the boat. And then as well as when we land in Brazil. So I think I will be staying a bit longer in Brazil and going to that small village that Johannes mentioned, which is called Morro de São Paulo, which looks very beautiful and tropical and you can get there by boat from Salvador and then people will be staying there for about a week or so and then going on to Rio or Sao Paulo or Argentina or Antarctica or wherever they're going next. And once you sign up for the cruise, you also get a link to a website that has all of the details for the meetups that are happening both before the cruise in Tenerife and the Canary Islands, and then also the events that are going on after. So you might only have those, you know, 10 to 12 days to do the cruise itself, but if you have extra flexibility and time, you can go early and meet up with people in the Canary Islands or you can stay later and travel with people in Brazil and Argentina and beyond.  


Kristin:    00:34:07    Again, you can use code TWK to get 100 euro off of any cabin that you choose on Nomad Cruise 12. That's code TWK or Traveling with Kristin will also work.  


Kristin:    00:34:24    There's different levels of cabins you can go a more economical route, you can get one with an ocean view and a balcony, whatever you want. And I look forward to seeing you there or in Portugal next year. Have a great week and also apologies for the podcast. Went out one day late last week and it went out one day early this week, so that was my mistake. But um, we'll always be publishing on Tuesdays unless there's travel or something comes up and sometimes it might go out on Monday or Wednesday, but that's rare. So if you were looking in your podcast app wondering why did I get the podcast today or why didn't I get the podcast today, that is why <laugh>. So thanks for hanging out with me today, and I will see you again next week. 

Kristin Wilson Profile Photo

Kristin Wilson

Host of Badass Digital Nomads & YouTube's Traveling with Kristin / Author of Digital Nomads for Dummies

Kristin Wilson is a long-term digital nomad and location-independent entrepreneur who has lived and worked across 60 countries in 20 years. Since founding a fully-remote, international relocation company in 2011, she has helped more than 1,000 people retire or live abroad in 35 countries. Today, she helps aspiring remote workers, digital nomads, and expats achieve their lifestyle goals through her YouTube channel (Traveling with Kristin) and podcast, Badass Digital Nomads.
Kristin is the author of Digital Nomads for Dummies. She's also a Top Writer on Medium and Quora in the topics of business, travel, technology, life, productivity, digital nomads, and location independence. She has been featured on The Today Show, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, ESPN, The New York Times, WSJ, Huffpost, HGTV’s House Hunters International, and more.

Johannes Voelkner Profile Photo

Johannes Voelkner

Founder of Nomad Cruise/ Digital Nomad

In 2015, Johannes Voelkner turned a crazy flash of genius into a company, which today has created the legendary Nomad Cruise. After years of digital nomading, he sought to create a platform for individuals like him, who wanted to connect with like-minded people sharing the same lifestyle. He started the WebWorkTravel community, wrote a guidebook for digital nomads, founded Nomad Cruise and the rest is history.

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