Aug. 13, 2019

How to Build a Location Independent, Passive Income Business with Matt Bowles

How to Build a Location Independent, Passive Income Business with Matt Bowles

Matt Bowles is a location-independent entrepreneur who started his own online business after stumbling across The Four Hour Work Week in a Barnes and Noble bookstore back in 2007 - the day he got laid off from his 9-5 job. He now helps people create passive income streams through location-independent real estate investment properties and runs a podcast interviewing other digital nomad entrepreneurs. He has been featured in major national media and was named one of the “Top 50 Real Estate Opinion Makers and Market Leaders”.

Matt Bowles is a location-independent entrepreneur who started his own online business after stumbling across The Four Hour Work Week in a Barnes and Noble bookstore back in 2007 - the day he got laid off from his 9-5 job. He now helps people create passive income streams through location-independent real estate investment properties and runs a podcast interviewing other digital nomad entrepreneurs. He has been featured in major national media and was named one of the “Top 50 Real Estate Opinion Makers and Market Leaders”.

Matt and his co-founders at Maverick Investor group have helped individual real estate investors buy over $100 million in residential investment property across 15 States. As a location-independent business owner, Matt runs his company (and hosts the podcast!) from epic locations around the world and has lived in over 50 different countries since 2013. He is a sought after speaker at events and conferences around the world relating to real estate investing, entrepreneurship, long-term world travel and the digital nomad lifestyle.

Matt and Kristin met on Nomad Cruise 6, where they were both speakers.

Before Maverick:
Matt was a hip hop DJ in the 90s and his first entrepreneurial venture was starting his own mobile D.J. company during high school. He studied Sociology in College, then did a Masters Degree in International Peace and Conflict Resolution and spent time in Palestine, the north of Ireland, and other conflict regions doing peace and justice advocacy work. After that he worked in the nonprofit sector in Washington, DC, focusing on human rights and civil liberties issues in the U.S. At age 30, he was unexpectedly laid off from his job and on that day he decided to pivot completely and build a location-independent business that donates 10% of the net profits to causes that affect positive change in the world. He co-founded that company, Maverick Investor Group, with some amazing business partners, started traveling the world, and the rest is history.

Check out The Maverick Show Podcast: 

Listen to Kristin's Episode of Matt's Podcast, The Maverick Show.

About Kristin: 
Kristin Wilson is an online entrepreneur, writer, speaker, and content creator who has lived and worked in 60+ countries. She coaches people who want to work online and travel through her courses, workshops, and two YouTube channels. She also consults companies in adopting remote work policies.

Kristin is a Top Writer on Quora and Medium who has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, ESPN, The New York Times, Huffpost, HGTV’s House Hunters International, and more.


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Matt Bowles

Host of The Maverick Show Podcast and Co-Founder of Maverick Investor Group

Matt Bowles co-founded Maverick Investor Group in 2007 to help individual real estate investors buy over $100 million in high-performing rental properties in the best U.S. real estate markets - regardless of where they live. He has been featured in major national media and was named one of the “Top 50 Real Estate Opinion Makers and Market Leaders”.

As a location-independent business owner, Matt runs his company (and hosts his podcast!) from epic locations around the world and has lived in over 50 different countries since 2013. He is a sought after speaker at events and conferences around the world relating to real estate investing, entrepreneurship, long-term world travel and the digital nomad lifestyle.