Matt Bowles

Matt Bowles Profile Photo

Host of The Maverick Show Podcast and Co-Founder of Maverick Investor Group

Matt Bowles co-founded Maverick Investor Group in 2007 to help individual real estate investors buy over $100 million in high-performing rental properties in the best U.S. real estate markets - regardless of where they live. He has been featured in major national media and was named one of the “Top 50 Real Estate Opinion Makers and Market Leaders”.

As a location-independent business owner, Matt runs his company (and hosts his podcast!) from epic locations around the world and has lived in over 50 different countries since 2013. He is a sought after speaker at events and conferences around the world relating to real estate investing, entrepreneurship, long-term world travel and the digital nomad lifestyle.

Feb. 7, 2023

How To Earn Passive Income Through Turnkey Real Estate (Even If You Don't Live There)

Do you want to own income-producing rental properties but don't know which markets to invest in? In today's episode, find out how you can invest in turn-key, passive income-producing real estate properties throughout the US, even if you live in a different city, state, or country!
Guest: Matt Bowles
Jan. 31, 2023

How To Choose Your Next Travel Destination with Matt Bowles of The Maverick Show

What kind of traveler are you? How do you choose where to travel next? Travel podcast host, Matt Bowles, joins us from Senegal to talk about his four main strategies for choosing your personal travel "style" or type.
Guest: Matt Bowles
March 16, 2021

How to Make Any Business Location-Independent with Matt Bowles, Host of The Maverick Show

Wondering how to convert your brick-and-mortar business into an online business? In today's episode, we explore how to approach the challenge of transitioning from a traditional business model to one you can operate from anywhere in a location independent lifestyle.
Guest: Matt Bowles
Aug. 13, 2019

How to Build a Location Independent, Passive Income Business with Matt Bowles

Matt Bowles is a location-independent entrepreneur who started his own online business after stumbling across The Four Hour Work Week in a Barnes and Noble bookstore back in 2007 - the day he got laid off from his 9-5 job. He now helps people create passive income streams through location-independe…
Guest: Matt Bowles