Erin Carey

Erin Carey Profile Photo

Public Relations Specialist, Founder, Sailor, and Supermom

Erin Carey is the founder of Roam Generation, a PR and communications agency focused on helping adventurer travelers, travel brands, digital nomads, and mission-driven organizations share their unique and inspiring story with the world.

Erin founded Roam Generation while living on a yacht with her family and sailing the world. She helps her clients stand out from the crowd, so they can continue to live a life less ordinary.

Feb. 9, 2021

How To Make Money From a Sailboat With No Experience

Wondering how to make money from a sailboat - even if you've never done it before? This podcast will explain how it's possible. Learn how sailing digital nomad, Erin Carey, quit her government job of 17 years to start her fi…
Guest: Erin Carey