David McKeegan, MBA, EA

David McKeegan, MBA, EA Profile Photo

Co-Founder of Greenback Expat Tax Services

David McKeegan is an Enrolled Agent, an MBA, an experienced finance professional, and entrepreneur. After years of living abroad, David and his wife Carrie McKeegan struggled to find an accounting service to meet their unique needs as expats. In 2008, they co-founded Greenback Expat Tax Services to provide a better, easier way for American expats around the globe to prepare their US tax returns. As co-founder, Dave plays a key part in the business by acting as the company spokesperson—helping expats, journalists, and the world understand the nuances of expat taxes.

July 27, 2021

Paying US Taxes as an Expat Abroad – What You Need To Know

Learn everything you ever wanted to know about paying US taxes abroad - and a lot of things you didn't know you needed to know! IE: Required tax documents, important deadlines, and valuable tax deductions for expats, world t…