
Dan Profile Photo


Dan has traveled all over the world, 67 countries so far, working remotely as a consultant. One day, a good friend gave Dan a copy of "The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris." Dan decided he didn’t want to be a consultant anymore. He decided to create a business that generated passive income. But Dan didn’t know what to do. So he purchased several expensive online courses but was never able to generate a passive income.

None of the courses worked for Dan. But he never gave up. Instead, Dan started looking for his own solution. One day Dan heard about offering memberships in an information business. The idea sounded simple. But, would it work?

You assemble eBooks, videos, and courses about subject matter that a certain segment of the population finds highly desirable. Then you offer memberships that people can join to get access to the information they desire.

The key is to pick information that you are most excited about and already know a great deal about. The thing Dan was most excited about was his favorite hobby. Dan loved traveling the world and learning how the locals lived.

So Dan started a membership information business sharing his favorite hobby with the world. Dan started showing people how he dropped out of normal life in America and started traveling the world for less.

Dan’s information catalog (https://VagabondBuddha.com) includes eBooks about how to slow travel the world, the best places to retire cheap on less, how to save money by living like a local, and a bunch of other related topics.

Soon, Dan’s information business was making enough money to pay for his travel hobby life. His subscribers started asking if Dan would teach them how to pay for their own travels. At first, Dan thought he was too busy traveling, having fun, and writing eBooks for his membership catalog.

But people kept asking him. That is when Dan realized the business model might work for almost any hobby. So Dan decided to help his members set up their own hobby information business.

So, Dan created the “Hobby Income Course” and included it for no extra charge in his regular membership program. The Hobby Income course shows how Dan set up his WordPress site and Youtube channel to create an information business in your favorite hobby domain. If you are curious, here is a video explaining Dan’s business and the Hobby Income Course: (https://vagabondbuddha.com/courses/the-hobby-income-course/).

Aug. 23, 2022

How To Live or Retire Cheap In Paradise with Dan from Vagabond Awake

Dan from the Vagabond Awake YouTube channel shares how to live abroad on $1,000-1,500 per month, and why you shouldn't wait until retirement to live your life. He and Kristin also talk about about adapting to foreign culture…
Guest: Dan