Expats And Living Abroad Episodes

July 16, 2019

Rolf Potts on 25 Years of Vagabonding Around the World

Rolf Potts is an American author, essayist, screenwriter, and long-term traveler who is most known for his best-selling book, Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel. 20 years since writing Vagabo…
Guest: Rolf Potts
July 12, 2019

US Taxes for Digital Nomads with IRS Enrolled Agent, Grace Taylor

How much taxes should you pay as a US digital nomad? Grace Taylor is a US tax expert specializing in tax issues for US expats and digital nomads. In this interview, Kristin and Grace break down the common expat and digital n…
Guest: Grace Taylor
June 25, 2019

Becoming a Digital Nomad in your 50's with Palle Bo, The Radio Vagabond

Not so long ago, Palle Bo would look at a world map in his kitchen and place pins on the countries he wanted to visit. But he didn't want to wait until he retired to start living his life, so he became a digital nomad at 51 …
Guest: Palle Bo
June 18, 2019

Being a Global Citizen with Russian-American Digital Nomad, Vlad Glebov

Vlad Glebov, the CEO of CoLife, and Kristin discuss what a world without borders would be like. Vlad is a serial entrepreneur and nomad on a mission. In this podcast, we discuss the possible long-term consequences for humans…
Guest: Vlad Glebov
May 21, 2019

How To Travel the World Making Videos for Passport Heavy with Filmmaker, Anthony Knowles

Ant Knowles is only 22 years old and he’s already been traveling around the world full-time filming for YouTube Channel, Passport Heavy. Ant is self-taught and is an inspiring example of how you can create the life you want,…