Work From Home Episodes

Jan. 17, 2023

How To Find or Become a Virtual Assistant in 2023

Have you ever wondered how to get hired as a virtual assistant? Or, have you ever considered hiring a VA so you can save time and increase productivity? Tune in to learn from Ethan Bull, Co-Founder of ProAssisting, about how to find or become a virtual assistant or remote executive assistant.
Guest: Ethan Bull
Oct. 4, 2022

Leaving Canada To Retire in Albania as a Solo Female Expat

After a divorce and moment of clarity, Canadian expat Karen Espig decided to make drastic changes in her life. She retired early and moved from Canada to Albania to lower her cost of living and pursue her love for art full-time. It wasn’t all smooth sailing, however, as she struggled with culture s…
Guest: Karen Espig
Sept. 20, 2022

From Blue Collar Worker to Becoming a Financially Free Digital Nomad

Kristin speaks with a self-made digital nomad who left his blue collar job in Canada to become a financially independent entrepreneur in Costa Rica. Learn how Andrew transitioned from working for the railroad and coast guard to becoming a nomadic/expat online business owner.
Aug. 30, 2022

How To Make Thousands of Dollars per Month Writing on Medium

Medium's top earning writer, Ayodeji Awosika, has made nearly half a million dollars writing on Medium. In this podcast, he shares why you should consider writing on Medium (even if you're not a writer) and how much you can make.
Aug. 16, 2022

How To Master Remote Work and Find Remote Jobs With the Author of Running Remote

Level up your remote work game and cut back on Zoom meetings with these tips from Liam Martin, the author of the groundbreaking new book, Running Remote.  Whether you are a current or aspiring remote worker, freelancer, or team leader, you will gain ideas to help you improve your productivity, find…
Guest: Liam Martin
Aug. 2, 2022

Being a Digital Nomad in Southeast Asia With Giang Cao From Vietnam

(UPDATED 8/8/22) How a graphic designer from Vietnam tripled her income by quitting her job to become a freelancer. Location-independent solo traveler Giang Cao sheds light on what life is like as a digital nomad in Southeast Asia and how she illustrates the good, bad, and funny in her comic strip,…
Guest: Giang Cao
April 19, 2022

Why I Quit YouTube (and Overcoming Fear)

Kristin speaks on a variety of topics, including why she quit YouTube (and when she’ll be back), the situation in Ukraine, and how to overcome fear and burnout in life.
March 22, 2022

My Reflections on Two Years Since the Coronavirus Lockdowns (Surreal)

It's been two years since Covid-19 changed the world as we know it. Kristin reflects on what she's learned during this challenging and crazy time. She also explains how it's changed her outlook and deepened her understanding of the world - despite not having left home.
Feb. 9, 2022

How to Find a Co-Working Space Anywhere in the World

Struggling with a distracting workspace at home? Need a change of environment to inspire your creativity and productivity? Listen in to learn how to be more productive working in co-working spaces or working remotely from home. Kristin also shares her strategy for writing her book, Digital Nomads f…
Feb. 16, 2021

How To Create and Monetize a Personal Brand in the Age of Remote Work

Societal change is upon us. How can you combine your skills and personality to make money online in the new economy? Get ideas and inspiration in this episode of Badass Digital Nomads, especially for aspiring writers and content creators.
Jan. 5, 2021

Become a Digital Nomad in 2021 (A Pep Talk)

2021 will be the year of the digital nomad. Don't let another year of your life go by without pursuing your dreams of location independence or full-time travel. - Here's why.  Learn the five most important things you need to become a digital...
July 14, 2020

How the World Changes When Everyone Works From Home

WORK-FROM-HOME FOREVER: What happens when no one commutes to the office anymore? The pandemic marks a turning point in global society and the start of a major cultural change in working remotely for the rest of our lives.
June 16, 2020

Your Top Frequently Asked Questions on Travel and Becoming a Digital Nomad

Kristin answers questions and comments from Badass Digital Nomads listeners who left voice messages on the website and also shared their digital nomad quarantine experiences.
May 5, 2020

My Digital Nomad Daily Routine

Find out my exact morning routine and daily routine as a digital nomad working from home. In this episode, you'll learn my eight top tips for staying productive every day, three things you should avoid, and the two biggest risk factors that all remote workers should know about.