Sailing Episodes

Feb. 20, 2024

Sailing into the Unknown with Ruby Rose: Navigating Burnout & Mental Health in a Freedom Lifestyle

Throwback to one of Kristin's favorite podcast interviews with Nick Fabbri and Terysa Vanderloo of the YouTube channel, Sailing Ruby Rose. In this podcast, they share how they quit their medical jobs in London to sail the world.
March 14, 2023

Sailing Couple, Ryan and Sophie, on Culture Shock, Mental Health, and Living an Unconventional Lifestyle

French-American sailing couple, Ryan and Sophie, talk about the struggles and benefits of sailing the world and living an unconventional digital nomad lifestyle. They shine light on why they left their jobs to travel abroad and the challenges of dating in foreign countries.
Guest: Sophie Darsy
Feb. 9, 2021

How To Make Money From a Sailboat With No Experience

Wondering how to make money from a sailboat - even if you've never done it before? This podcast will explain how it's possible. Learn how sailing digital nomad, Erin Carey, quit her government job of 17 years to start her first online business – a Public Relations agency for digital nomads, world t…
Guest: Erin Carey
Jan. 12, 2021

Sailing the World With Sailing Ruby Rose

After leaving their careers as a dentist and a paramedic in London behind, Nick Fabbri and Terysa Vanderloo of Sailing Ruby Rose set off to sail the world and never looked back. In this podcast, they share the details of their original escape plan and what they've learned from three years at sea.