Writing And Blogging Episodes

Jan. 24, 2023

Becoming a Self-Made Entrepreneur and Creative with Niklas Göke

Author and Top Medium Writer, Niklas Göke, based in Germany, joins Kristin to talk about the journey of becoming a self-made entrepreneur and making a living from your creativity.
Guest: Niklas Göke
Nov. 29, 2022

Building Online Income Streams From Real Estate, Stock Photography, and Travel Blogging

Digital nomad couple, The Wandering Hartz, share their experience becoming location independent for the first time and moving from Nashville, Tennessee to Bansko, Bulgaria.
Aug. 30, 2022

How To Make Thousands of Dollars per Month Writing on Medium

Medium's top earning writer, Ayodeji Awosika, has made nearly half a million dollars writing on Medium. In this podcast, he shares why you should consider writing on Medium (even if you're not a writer) and how much you can make.
June 21, 2022

10 Tips for Writing Your First Book

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Kristin provides ten tips, insights, and reflections gained from writing her first book. She also discusses self-publishing versus traditional publishing and provides helpful resources for writing your first book.
Feb. 9, 2022

How to Find a Co-Working Space Anywhere in the World

Struggling with a distracting workspace at home? Need a change of environment to inspire your creativity and productivity? Listen in to learn how to be more productive working in co-working spaces or working remotely from home. Kristin also shares her strategy for writing her book, Digital Nomads f…
June 8, 2021

Vagabonding with Rolf Potts (Interview from Paris, France)

One-of-a-kind interview with Rolf Potts in Paris, France, where he and Kristin talk about some of his biggest lessons and realizations from 25 years of globetrotting.  Rolf Potts is the author of the book, Vagabonding.
Guest: Rolf Potts
June 1, 2021

2nd Anniversary Episode - How to Make Money Blogging on Medium with Tom Kuegler (Replay)

In celebration of Badass Digital Nomad’s 2nd birthday, let’s go back and listen to our very FIRST episode with Tom Kuegler (aka "Finding Tom"), a top blogger on Medium who has doubled his followers since this episode first aired in 2019. Looks...
Guest: Tom Kuegler
Feb. 23, 2021

How To Make $10K/Mo as a Digital Nomad Copywriter in Budapest

After struggling with addiction in college, Francis Nayan decided to take a job teaching English in Europe. That's when he stumbled upon a meet-up group for digital nomads in Budapest, and everything changed...
Guest: Francis Nayan
Feb. 16, 2021

How To Create and Monetize a Personal Brand in the Age of Remote Work

Societal change is upon us. How can you combine your skills and personality to make money online in the new economy? Get ideas and inspiration in this episode of Badass Digital Nomads, especially for aspiring writers and content creators.
Nov. 10, 2020

How to Build a Writing Career While Traveling the World With Anthony Moore

Have you ever been stuck in a job you hate? Anthony Moore can relate. Before he found success as a Top 100 Writer on Medium and the author of multiple books, he struggled with depression, addiction, and how to leave his dead-end job at a call center. Find out how he turned things around and moved a…
Guest: Anthony Moore
Aug. 11, 2020

How to Make Money With a Blog

How to make a living by blogging: Learn how to turn your blogging side hustle into a full-time job with Robbie Strazynski of Cardplayer Lifestyle.
April 28, 2020

How to Make 5-Figures per Month Writing on Medium with Ayo the Author

Ayodeji Awosika is one of the top professional bloggers in the world who consistently earns 5-figures in passive income per month through writing in the Medium Partner Program. He is the author of three self-help books, has more than 55,000 followers on Medium, and is also now a YouTuber. Find out …
July 16, 2019

Rolf Potts on 25 Years of Vagabonding Around the World

Rolf Potts is an American author, essayist, screenwriter, and long-term traveler who is most known for his best-selling book, Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel. 20 years since writing Vagabonding, Rolf continues to inspire people through his work. As technology and…
Guest: Rolf Potts
May 13, 2019

How to Make Money Blogging with Top Medium Writer Tom Kuegler (FindingTom)

In this episode, Kristin talks with Tom Kuegler (aka Finding Tom) on how he went from making $10 per hour as a freelancer to 25,000 Medium followers and five-figure blogging paychecks.
Guest: Tom Kuegler