March 24, 2020

5 Podcasts to Inspire You During the Coronavirus Lockdown

5 Podcasts to Inspire You During the Coronavirus Lockdown

Listen to these podcasts to boost your mood and productivity while at home.

In the age of Coronavirus, though, podcasts are no longer getting us through the daily commute - they’re getting us through the day. 

Here are five shows that help me stay motivated and inspired while working from home all day, every day (in no particular order). I hope they help you, too! 

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Remember to support your favorite podcasts during this challenging time by sharing them with your friends and leaving reviews for the hosts! 


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Advertisement:    00:00:00    BP is working to roll out EV charging hubs in the uk and we're keeping oil and gas flowing from the North Sea. It's, and not all, that's how BP is backing Britain. While today we're mostly in oil and gas, we increased the proportion of our global annual investment that went into our lower carbon and other transition businesses from around 3% in 2019 to around 23% in 2023.


Kristin:    00:00:30    Not. Jack says, if I could only listen to one podcast for the rest of my life, this would be it. Thank you, Naval.  


Kristin:    00:00:45    Do you love my podcast videos and writing and wanna get more involved? Now you can. Introducing the official launch of my new Patreon page, where for only $5 a month, you can support my content and get a ton of cool benefits and value as one of my patrons. You'll get to watch my new YouTube videos before everyone else attend Patron only monthly live streams, vote on next videos and podcast guests or topics. Get special discounts on merch and swag. Plus get access to exclusive content like unlisted video interviews, articles I haven't published anywhere else, house and apartment tours, personal updates, and of course, plenty of behind the scenes footage and surprises throughout the year. Become a patron of Badass Digital Nomads and TravelingwithKristin today at That's And thank you so much for all your support.  


Kristin:    00:02:08    Hey guys, welcome to a quick solo episode of Badass Digital Nomads, where I wanted to share five podcasts that I'm listening to in 2020 and that I recommend. I'll let you know the name of each podcast where you can listen and the format in a couple reviews so that you can figure out if it's right for you. The first podcast I'm recommending that I just came across is by Derek Sivers, who is an entrepreneur and a writer and kind of a jack of all trades and a master of all trades. I recommended his book Anything You Want in my book review episode, and he actually emailed me about that, which was super cool of him. But he let me know that he had a podcast too, and I had no idea, and it's a micro podcast. So I started listening to it and all the episodes are just a couple minutes each, and he packs so much impact and value into a really short podcast.  


Kristin:    00:03:13    And he has really, um, intriguing titles to his podcast and you just get a nugget from his decades of experience being a badass. And a few of the titles are, one is, is there such a thing as too much freedom? And it's three minutes long? I highly recommend that one. He has a one minute episode called How to Take a Compliment, and he has a two minute episode called Time is Personal, your Year Changes When Your Life Changes. And so you can listen at and he's got a lot of great reviews. Somebody wrote, these are great five stars. Derek Sivers is a philosopher and thinker that has impacted my life for the better. I recommend checking these out as well as his website, Another guy says, A breath of fresh air. Derek keeps things short and sweet. There's a lot of depth in these podcasts and I find them to be a huge source of information, inspiration.  


Kristin:    00:04:21    Excuse me, I agree. That was by Walt Pitts. Another show that I actually recommend quite often because I don't think many people know about it, is The Maverick Show by my friend Matt Bowles. And I happened to meet him before he launched the show, so I've known him since before that and I've been a listener since the beginning. I'm not sure how big the show is. I don't know how many downloads he gets, but it's a hidden gem if you haven't listened to it. So it's called And Matt has a background in radio and he was a dj, so he's kind of an unknown podcaster if you were to compare him next to somebody like a Joe Rogan or a Tim Ferris whose name has been out there for decades. But Matt's production quality and his talent as an interviewer is very high, so I definitely recommend it.  


Kristin:    00:05:23    They are a bit lengthy. It just depends on your perspective. There may be an hour or two hours long, but I try to catch it as often as I can because he has super cool guests that are primarily location independent entrepreneurs and he talks about like their failures, their breakthroughs, and pretty much how they went from point A to point B. It's kind of a similar concept to my show, but of course it's a different spin 'cause he's a different person. But his interviews are always really structured and really actionable. Like he, he pulls out really specific tips from these people. So if you're into business strategy, this would be a good show for you. Uh, there's, I think probably alm there's 73 episodes now, so I recommend just scrolling through and seeing what catches your eye, but I think there's something for everyone there.  


Kristin:    00:06:16    It's called The Maverick Show Adventures and Real Estate Entrepreneurship and World Travel. And he has over 105 star reviews. I'll read one of them. This is the most recent one. It says awesome host and awesome content. I love people that can run businesses while traveling the world and not just running a small business, but a large successful business. To me, getting behind the minds of people like that is amazing and Matt is one of those guys. Keep up the content man. Someone else says wisdom. Five stars just got on board with this podcast and am so impressed down to earth discussions by real people doing real things. Emphasis is equally placed on being successful in business while being a decent human being and giving back to society. Props. I agree. Check out The Maverick Show guys. Another super cool and brand new podcast is the Richie Norton Show by the infamous Richie Norton.  


Kristin:    00:07:17    If you haven't come across this guy yet, then you're just totally missing out. I just figured out who he was at Vid Summit in October of 2019, and it turns out that he already knew my brother followed him on Instagram. We had mutual friends. Uh, he's actually pretty good friends with John Lee Dumas from EO Fire. He's friends with Ben Hardy, one of the top writers on Medium who I follow, and I've taken his courses and Richie wow, his, his show, it got I think hundreds of five star interviews in the first week that it launched. It, it hit new and noteworthy on Apple Podcasts and it's freaking good. It's a reflection of who he is as a person, which is a very dynamic, very smart, very resourceful, very down to earth person who just wants to give, give, give. He's a product developer, he's an entrepreneur.  


Kristin:    00:08:13    He, he just kind of does it all and he has so many interesting stories. He lives in Hawaii, he's been through some really tragic stuff in life, but he's just such a positive and generous person and he's just always giving back. Actually, his wife has a podcast too. Natalie Norton and I recommend her show as well. Brene Brown, if you've heard of her, she read, uh, one of Richie's books and said This book could change the way we live. He's ranked as one of the top 100 business coaches in the world, and some of his podcast titles recently include. It looks like he published three episodes in one day on February 25th. So he has one called How to Give Advice Effectively. One called Life Experience is the New Work Experience, how to Choose Your Past to Create Your Future, and How to Become your Future Self.  


Kristin:    00:09:16    Today, he's also super active on Instagram, so you should follow him there. The most recent review says, hands down, the most valuable podcast Richie is the real deal, the genuine article. If you want to grow in leaps and bounds and improve your life, stop everything and listen to every single episode of this podcast. Someone else says, think about it. I listen to multiple podcasts a day from a variety of topics, money, entrepreneurship, crime, religion, fatherhood, and this one is five stars. It makes you think better thoughts. It makes you think bigger thoughts. It makes you think bolder thoughts, it makes you think brighter thoughts. I recommend it. That was by Hiram Gray Epic Review. Another one of my go-to's that I listen to all the time is the Naval Podcast. What can I say? I love this podcast. Most of his episodes are one minute long.  


Kristin:    00:10:12    You can just binge listen to it. The new season is out. The most recent episode is entitled, Breaking Addiction is Socially Unacceptable. One is called Being Unhappy is very Inefficient. One is called, If You Are So Smart, why aren't You Happy? It looks like it's a happiness season and he also has a whole slew of podcasts. I think it's up to four hours of listening on how to get rich, but not in a scammy way, in like a legit way. How to use your skills and your knowledge and your value as a human being. How to leverage that for monetary value while being a good person and giving back to the world and cutting through the bullshit. So really recommend this podcast. The most recent review sums it up. Clear wisdom, actionable, no fluff, wisdom. Love it. Someone else says, Naval seemingly broke down one of the world's most complex topics into a magnificent framework that anyone can apply, not.  


Kristin:    00:11:16    Jack says, if I could only listen to one podcast for the rest of my life, this would be it. Thank you, Naval. I think that sums it up. Some of you guys have probably heard of it, but if you haven't, then definitely check it out. And his website is awesome. The URL is Naval genius. And finally we have the Daily Stoic podcast. I'm a big fan of Ryan Holiday's work, and I love The Daily Stoic. Uh, I've been lucky to be able to write a couple of articles for them, and I'm just such a huge fan. I've been following the Daily Stoic for years. I've been following Ryan Holiday for years. If you haven't checked that out. The Daily Stoic has a a daily email that goes out that I don't read every single day, but I should <laugh>. He is very consistent with that.  


Kristin:    00:12:08    It's always positive, it's always helpful, and it's relatively short, so you can read it, you can act on it. You can put yourself in a good mood every day. And so now every day of the week, they publish an audio companion to their daily emails. There's probably, uh, 500,000 or maybe even millions of people on their email list. So it's popular. And these are also really short episodes of just a couple minutes each. The most recent review says the right amount of wisdom each day. It's good to know in times when you feel your situation is a unique one, philosophy proves otherwise. It's always there to provide insight, to guide, love what you've done here. Someone else says, great. For a DHD listeners, I love the small, succinct comments and references to other historical stoics, real eyeopener and really well done. Someone else calls it a cup of Coffee for the Soul.  


Kristin:    00:13:06    I stumbled onto this podcast during a very hard time in my life involving lots of worry. I latched onto the idea of stoicism as a means to cope with my anxiety. This podcast is a very welcome three minute kick in the pants that helps me get the day started with positivity and practical messages regarding letting go of things that I have no control over. You can listen at slash podcast and probably on all the other platforms. So just to sum up the five podcasts that I have on repeat at the moment besides mine, <laugh>, because I do listen to mine. I listen to each episode a couple times during the whole process of making it. Um, I hope you guys are liking it too, but it always feels like work a bit when I'm listening. So I do like to balance that out with other people's podcasts to kind of turn off my production brain and turn on my absorption, consumption brain or relaxation brain.  


Kristin:    00:14:11    So again, these podcasts are Derek Sivers, The Maverick Show with Matt Bowles, the Richie Norton show, the Naval Podcast, and the Daily Stoic Podcast. Check them out. I hope you guys find something you like, enjoy. Um, leave a review for this and any podcast you listen to because every time you leave a review for a podcast, it helps the person or people who run the podcast. So support your local podcasters. Leave reviews for everybody. Leave an honest review, but hopefully it's a positive one. And see you guys next week on Badass Digital Nomads stay badass.  


Kristin:    00:15:01    Do you have questions about becoming a digital nomad or transitioning to remote work but aren't sure where to start? Are you wondering if you should quit your job or change careers entirely but don't know what to do? Or are you confused about where you should live or how to find housing abroad now that you're location independent? Well, I can help you out for the first time ever. I'm now offering individual phone consultations for only $99 for a limited time. So you can get my direct one-on-one advice for your specific situation at a fraction of the cost of one of my international relocation packages. Book a call today at  


Advertisement:    00:16:15    BP is working to bring more lower carbon energy to the UK, like designing two hydrogen plants and we are keeping oil and gas flowing from the North Sea. It's, and not all, that's how BP is backing Britain. While today we're mostly in oil and gas, we increased the proportion of our global annual investment that went into our lower carbon and other transition businesses from around 3% in 2019 to around 23% in 2023.

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Kristin Wilson

Host of Badass Digital Nomads & YouTube's Traveling with Kristin / Author of Digital Nomads for Dummies

Kristin Wilson is a long-term digital nomad and location-independent entrepreneur who has lived and worked across 60 countries in 20 years. Since founding a fully-remote, international relocation company in 2011, she has helped more than 1,000 people retire or live abroad in 35 countries. Today, she helps aspiring remote workers, digital nomads, and expats achieve their lifestyle goals through her YouTube channel (Traveling with Kristin) and podcast, Badass Digital Nomads.
Kristin is the author of Digital Nomads for Dummies. She's also a Top Writer on Medium and Quora in the topics of business, travel, technology, life, productivity, digital nomads, and location independence. She has been featured on The Today Show, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, ESPN, The New York Times, WSJ, Huffpost, HGTV’s House Hunters International, and more.